Why Sunday is often called a vacation day?

Sunday is the day when everyone rested from all the busyness of work and other activities. Some people chose that day as a day for a vacation together with family, relatives, or friends. During this time we know that one special day is Sunday. But do you know the reason why Sunday is a day of vacation? If you want to know then please read.

Vacation tradition on Sunday came from the tradition of ancient Rome in Italy. So, if you are the Italians certainly know the history of it. It originated from the Romans who often worship on Sunday and rested on that day. The Romans, too, has a unique on important days, including vacations. They will mark the day with a red mark. Additionally, you must have known that the first time they've mastered some European countries. Like the Dutch, French, German, English and others. From here, the beginning of the spread of the tradition of the vacation on Sunday. as previously, the roman nation have implemented their traditions in countries such colonies.

One country that has a major role in spreading further is the English nation. Why the UK? Because a few years ago, 90 percent of countries in the world have in its domination by the British. So, indirectly, the British took apply the tradition of the Romans earlier (vacation on Sunday). In addition, France, Germany and the Netherlands apply these traditions to several colonies. They apply all of it to some countries in Asia, Africa and America. That's a brief history of the vacation tradition on Sunday.

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For you should know that during this time the majority of the world community considers that the vacation is done on Sunday, but despite that, there are also countries which do not apply this tradition. For example, as Arab and Jewish states. Arab apply their day off on Friday, because the Arabs think Friday is a holy day of worship and stop of all activities. While the Greeks, it treats Saturday as their day off. Maybe because they think that this day is the day of worship and choose to further specialize on Saturday.

Conclusion : Based on the above three traditions, they each set their holidays according to their worship day. While most countries in the world, considers Sunday is a public vacation or a rest from all the activities.
