Here is a list of diseases that should be wary of the holidays

Vacation is always fun to do so that makes us often forget the time because of cool activity. Especially when you choose a vacation in the coastal area, the thing that is always in doing is swimming, sunbathing, diving and more. Surely all of it could just make you tired.

Not much different from some of the above activities, almost all other holiday spots either in mountains, zoos, lakes, amusement parks or anywhere else, must always be tiring because it has its own type of activities. You may even fall ill if you have a weak immune system.

Therefore, it is very important to always be vigilant before deciding to carry out a vacation, let alone a family holiday plan where your children come together for the activity. Sometimes their immune systems are so weak that they get sick easily.

As a parent, you should always be wary of any illnesses that may be infected to your family while on vacation. Because vigilance determines the safety of your family.

So, for those of you who are having a plan to carry out a vacation wherever it is, here is some diseases that you should be aware of when doing a holiday, including a vacation with your family.

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1. Respiratory Tract Infection

Respiratory infections often occur to you because of frequent contact with many people, cold weather, including dust.

2. Diarrhea

Diarrhea often occurs through contaminated food and drink. In addition, the use of public facilities such as toilets can also be a major cause.

3. Urinary tract infections

This disease usually occurs in women when having the habit of holding urine or used a water facility used less clean.

4. Altitudes sickness

This disease occurs due to lack of oxygen, dry air, and low barometric pressure when a person is on high ground.

5. Diabetes

Diabetes often occurs when a person is on vacation. However, the disease is often overlooked. Whereas diabetes is very vulnerable to the emergence of complications of dangerous diseases.
